Category: Getting Started

4. Customers

Note: In TRACT, Customers refers to other businesses that you collect payment from by issuing Invoices. Depending on how your business is set up, this might be Loggers or Landowners, etc.   Note: You might not have Customers; you may only have Vendors, and if so, you can skip this step. Video Overview: Customers To get … Continued

3. Vendors

Note: In TRACT, Vendors refers to other businesses that you pay based on Settlement Statements. Depending on your business model this could include: loggers, truckers, landowners, consulting foresters, or any other vendors. Video Overview: Vendors We’ll start by selecting Vendors in the left column. Then we’ll choose Create Vendor from the top right corner. Enter … Continued

2. Mills

Video Overview: Mills Now we’ll fill in Mill data.  Select Mills from the left column. Select Mill Database.  We’ll use this database to create a list of all of the mills you do business with.  Use the search bar to search for mills by city or by name.  When you find a mill that you … Continued

1. Products

Video Overview: Products To get your products set-up, start by selecting Products from the column on the left. Then select Product Database.  We’ll use this database to create a list of the products that your company produces.   Start by using the “Search” bar to type in the different products that you produce.   Once you find … Continued


Video Overview: Setting Up Your Databases In the left column, you’ll want to start by setting up the bottom four sections first (Products, Mills, Vendors, Customers).  This will create your personalized databases that you’ll use to manage the top six sections (Jobs, Loads, Settlement Statements, Invoices, Reports & Forms, Mill Reconciliation) of TRACT.